Monday, July 30, 2012

Kaleidoscope of Color

The first time I went to Bali I was struck by the beauty of the green terraced rice paddies. I had the surreal sense that I was flowing through the slow turning pages of a National Geographic magazine...

The kaleidoscope of color, the crafts, the cultural connection ---- all inspired the title of my next book, "Life In A Sarong", stories and simple lessons from traveling the world.

In Bali everyone wears a sarong, both men and women, young and old. And everyone looks beautiful. For me it is a symbol of simplifying the chaos in our life. One piece of cloth, so many uses...and it always fits!

I am going back to Bali, this November and am looking for a few traveling friends to join me. It will be very laid back and casual, a pick and choose, go at your own pace kind of trip. And if you want to Come Walk With Me we will have opportunities to make the connection to Bali's nature, to the people and even to ourselves...Won't you join me? Click Here

A Walk To The Spa